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Saturday, February 05, 2005

Stephen Marlowe

Ed here: I've been swapping letters with Stephen Marlowe the last couple days. Looks as if we'll be doing a double book sometime this year containing both VIOLENCE IS MY BUSINESS, not only the best of the Chet Drums but--for me--his best crime novel period--and TURN LEFT AT MURDER which is one of those noirs that always reminds me of a book Jospeh Lewis would have loved to film. A twisty, nasty noir. In the course of our letters I mentioned Peter Rabe and Stephen wrote back saying:

You mention Peter Rabe. He and I met in the late '50s when we both were spending some boozy time trying futilely to save bad marriages in Torremolinos while it was still, mas o menos, an unspoiled fishing village. I was living in a house that Bill McGivern had occupied before me, and Peter in a house a hundred yards or so along the ridge above the village. A copa of wine cost a penny or two in those days and a four-liter jug about a quarter. When that became the reason you were living in Spain, Bill McGivern told me a year or so earlier at his farm in Bucks County, it was time to leave. We were drinking Jack Daniel at the time and there was a you-don't-have-to-believe-this look in his eye. (NB. The good folks at Jack Daniel used to send me an occasional case because it was Chet Drum's favorite drink.)


Blogger mybillcrider said...

Great to hear that those books will be reprinted. Marlowe's one of my heroes. I was reading his "Johnny Mayhem" stories (by "Milton Lesser") in AMAZING STORIES before I'd ever read any of the Chet Drum or other novels. I was lucky enough to meet Marlowe at the Monterey Bouchercon and have my picture made with him there.

February 5, 2005 at 5:24 PM  

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